Program Description
Event Details
Today's Chess Club will NOT meet today at the Library due to winter weather conditions. However, club mentor Bob Bemben will be holding an online chess tournament at called “Monday Snow Day” at 3:00pm.
Please contact us if you have any questions about how to join our Petoskey District Library Club within the website. The link to our club there is It’s free to join. First, you need to create a account and then you join our club within. Adults remember is still an internet site and parents/caregivers are responsible for their child’s time on this site.
A note about Jan. 13's online tourney - There will be four rounds, G8+5 (8 min. per player for the whole game with 5 seconds increment added to clock per move). First round starts at 3:00pm and the next round starts around 10 seconds after the final round 1 game has finished. A good way to keep track is to watch the games after your game is finished or look at the "Games" or "Standings" tab. Then you will know when the last game of the round ends.
Sometimes parents or guardians also join in and play in these online tournaments. They would, also, need to join the Petoskey Library Club within This should be done at least a few hours prior so that we can have time to let you in. We will need to know your username.